Moving to Alert Level 3 - Viranda Holdings LTD

Yesterday the government announced its commitment to moving the country out of Covid-19 alert level 4 lockdown. This is welcome news for businesses who are permitted to return to some level of trading under alert level 3. 

Regardless, this rapidly changing landscape will continue to have implications for commercial property owners. Viranda is here to help you make informed decisions as we outmanoeuvre this health crisis, so please do not hesitate to reach out and together we can review your situation: 


Getting back to work.

People are preparing to get back to work. We are heartened by what that means for kickstarting some economic activity. While it will not undo the financial hardships facing landlords and tenants, it is the first step towards recovery. 

We are keeping abreast of any new government measures to alleviate the economic impact of Covid-19 for commercial property owners, however it is important not to assume further support at this stage. If you are a property owner, this is a good chance to remind you to review with your accountant the various tax subsidy programs announced (including commercial building depreciation) to see what can be applied to your investments. Every scenario will be different, but the conversation is imperative to have.


Prepare ahead.

Finally, Viranda has been revisiting its health & safety plans and preparing ahead. It is not the time for any business to relax, Covid-19 means we need to stay vigilant and open to the changes ahead.

When alert level 2 is announced our team is ready to operate safely from Viranda’s Takapuna office. We are a boutique, relationship-based business – people are at the heart of our offering. So while we can’t meet face-to-face, we continue to support clients remotely. 

If you are interested in ways we can work together in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Stay home and stay safe!

The team at Viranda.


Ps. Here’s a quick reminder of the level 3 principles:

  1. Stay home
  2. Work from home if you can
  3. Make your business Covid-19 safe
  4. Stay regional
  5. Keep your bubble small
  6. Wash hands
  7. If sick, stay home & get advice