Project Management, leave it to me! - Viranda Holdings LTD

Red Adair once said; “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.” Sage words indeed, and the ugly fall-out of a project gone rogue will not happen on Richard’s watch!  

Richard Hall is Viranda’s in-house Facilities and Project Manager who the team also refer to as a superhero in plain clothes. But for Richard it’s taking a prudent, custodian approach to all refurbishment projects that drives him. As he points out, “Viranda is also asset managing the building, so it’s in our best interests to deliver a project ‘on time and on budget’. Ultimately, we’re the ones in the firing line of tenants and landlords – so all decisions must be very strategic and accountable.” 

If you are considering (or need) to carry out a refurbishment project on your commercial property, we hope this article sheds some light on the merits of hiring a qualified Project Manager.  

  1. What are some of the benefits? Viranda takes the time to listen to a client’s project goals and financial needs and matches this understanding with professional ‘tried and true’ advice. We consider how to maximise your budget and achieve strong ROI, minimise risk and simply shoulder the stress on your behalf. Any contractors we recommend come highly-trusted to do the best for our clients. 

  2. What is the cost to engage Viranda’s Project Management services? Typically this is a percent of the overall job. However, all fees are based on a case-by-case scenario and discussed after an audit of the requirements. All costs are transparent and agreed upon before commencing.

    All clients have the benefit of leveraging off our buying power, knowledge of building code requirements, and trusted relationships with contractors. In many cases, the fee is cancelled out by the cost savings (along with peace of mind which is harder to quantify). 

  3. Are there times when a client can do it themselves? Usually a refurbishment project carries considerable risk. To protect clients from risk and liability, Richard develops a project audit – highlighting possible pitfalls and a strategic solution for consideration.

    Depending on the complexity, sometimes there are times when the services of a PM is unnecessary. Richard is the first to point this out, and at no cost he is quick to help clients with quotes and referrals of trusted contractors.

    If you’re unsure – it’s always good to have the conversation with Richard!


  4. Any further evidence for hiring a PM? Yes! Take a look at our case study at Allright Place, it’s just one example of the power of a quality Project Manager. Click here  

As always, we would be delighted to discuss any refurbishment requirements and provide innovative solutions to protect and maximise the ROI on your building/s.  

Please do not hesitate to contact Richard directly.